Everything seems like went wrong lately...my mind full of the things that need to be settle in this 2weeks...sometimes i am quite blurr..."what im doing hah...???" mix up and confuse are normal thing in my life...and at this moment..i feel sick thinking of the title of my undergraduate project and also for my Major design project for this final year..and i ever think of to get a motivation session somewhere...but when i thimk about it over and over again...why dont just i pray to god...to help me showing to the right path...and thats the best way to motivate myself....
I began to feel stress...owh..thats not good for my health...with only thingking of my major project for this semester already make me got headache ...with the theme of equipment for handicap, my mind pictures everything about many products for handicap...owh..overload already...mental load and mental strees.....i better finish my Industrial Training Report before anything goes wrong...
Kanak-kanak lebih mudah alami masalah pendengaran
7 tahun yang lalu
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